Thursday, February 12, 2015

Steampunk pajamas, sorta...

I love my corsets, petticoats, bloomers and bustles as much as the next girl, but occasionally I need some quick and easy outfits to wear around the hotel when I go to conventions.  My friend has been wanting to do a steampunk movie night where we wear steampunk themed pajamas.  Unfortunately we never got this project/night past the idea stage.  We are both heading to Wild Wild West Con next month and it was decided that we needed steampunk lounge wear for when we were not at the con. 

 I originally was planning on using some Steampunk themed cotton fabric that I had bought a while ago, but I went to the fabric store for some other project and I came home with some floral, vine, owl flannel.....

This was not exactly the color scheme I had in mind and it isn't exactly what I would call steampunk, but I went with it!

I used the simplicity pajama bottom pattern 9871 and I drafted my own pattern for the top.  I was going for a chemise and bloomer style for my lounge wear, to give it a Victorian feel/aesthetic to it.  

I altered the bottoms by adding ruching channels on the lower bottoms of the legs. By doing this, I can adjust the length from ankle to mid calf by tying the strings in the channels.  With the lacing in the bottom of the leg, I can tie the bottoms at the knee.  

Here is the final product:

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